Monday, November 21, 2011

Hello to all!

Hello everyone!!  I just have to say that I am missing Kaylee.  We started this blog before she left on her mission and here it is four months later and it still isn't going.  I miss her humor as she writes.  I originally wanted her to be the author of the blog for a while.....but what do you do?  I will post a few of her comments as she writes and emails us so you can see her humor.

I just want to say as we are coming upon the Thanksgiving holiday that I am so very, very thankful for all my children.  For the four that were born to me, the one that become part of our household at 9 years old, and the four that get to visit and let us in their lives.  All of you have taught me so very much about love, the marvelous ability to love and enormous capability we have to love each other without taking anything away from someone else.  You have taught me patience (I hope).  Oh....and how to laugh. I love laughing and when you get  our family rocks.  And how to laugh at gross "boy stuff" - like the time when Josh made Dillon laugh so had he blew Hawaiian Punch out his nose.  You have taught me Faith and the power of prayers.  I hit my knees anytime you young drivers left the house pleading for protection for you.  As I watched some of you young men and now one young woman leave for two years (or 18 months for Kaylee) you have taught me courage, faith and have increased my testimony for the gospel.  You have taught me that there is no "left out" position in football.  And again, patience (and laughter) for the last 11 years of your reminding me of that!  You have taught me that soccer IS a contact sport.  That girls who don't want to play physical contact sports (i.e. volleyball, basketball, softball) can excel at volleyball.  That courage on the court/field translates to courage in life.  You have all taught me so much.  I love you all and just want to say Thanks!         Mom